Chili's Sitemap
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
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- New Mexico
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- Rhode Island
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- Virginia
- Featured Items
- Appetizers
- Fajitas
- Big Mouth Burgers®
- Chicken Crisper® Combos
- Steaks & Ribs
- Smokehouse Combos
- Chicken & Seafood
- Guiltless Grill
- Bowls & Quesadillas
- Sandwiches
- 3 For Me®
- Lunch Favorites
- Salads & Soups
- To-Go Alcohol
- Desserts
- Sides & Sauces
- Kids Menu
- Beverages
- Party Platters
- Chili's Birthday | Restaurant Specials | Chili's
- Cinco de Mayo at Chili's
- Free Veterans Day Meals 2023 | Chili's Grill & Bar
- National Margarita Day - Drink Specials | Chili's
- Lil' Niño Marg | Chili's Margarita of the Month | April
- Margarita Specials Near Me | Margarita Of The Month | Chili's
- Santa’s Secret Stache Marg | Chili's Margarita of the Month | December
- 1800 Stay-Cay ‘Rita | Chili's Margarita of the Month | May
- September Sunrise Marg | Chili's Margarita of the Month | September
- Patrón® Especial Margarita | Chili's Margarita of the Month | March
- Cuervo Perfecto | Chili's Margarita of the Month | August
- Tito's Watermelon Spritz | Chili's Margarita of the Month | June
- Grand Sunset ‘Rita | Chili's Margarita of the Month | July
- Tequila Trifecta | Chili's Margarita of the Month | August
- The Trick or Treat-A-Rita | Chili's Margarita of the Month | October
- The Trick or Treat-A-Rita | Chili's Margarita of the Month | October
- Call of the Wildberry Marg | Chili's Margarita of the Month | November
- Spice-A-Rita & Nice-A-Rita | Chili's Margarita of the Month | January
- StrawEddy Marg | Chili's Margarita of the Month | February